Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Your Gifts at Work Bring Hospice and our Lutheran Kenyan Work Together

Easter Comfort & Victory for Saints - Death is Dead -

The grant we provided for this most-important palliative care seminar in partnership with Concordia Theological Seminary's Rev. Dr. Arthur Just was possible only because of your gifts. Thank you for supporting the work of Friends of Mercy and being an example of how “Lutherans are making a difference!”

It was our objective from the start to have our domestic and international work intersect exactly where Christ delivers the victory over sin, death, and the devil. His altar brings the gifts of eternity to us who suffer the consequences of sin in this world.

Furthermore, the work of mercy is fulfilled in its fullness at the glory we experience at the moment of death. It is where God gets into the face of Satan and death becomes the door to heavenly eternity rather than the door of eternal death. The tears of suffering in this world becomes the joy of heavenly celebration in the very same instance where the devil thinks he wins, but our Lord takes that cross of suffering and even death, and by faith in Christ’s work, makes it our very own Easter celebration.

The work of Lutheran Cancer & Hospice Society purposely intersects with the work of Friends of Mercy in Kenya in this manner. The work of hospice will affect the life of many people in our lives and the lives of the saints in Kenya where pastors, evangelists, and deaconesses will bring the comfort of forgiveness, the mercy of God, and the hope of the resurrection to those who are HIV positive.