Meekers & Sell: Great Time with Lutherans Making a Difference in Kenya
Thanks to Everyone Who Hosted UsWhat a trip it was. The Meekers arrived on April 12th. Deaconess Lorna left May 1st and Pastor Meeker's final preaching date was May 25th. In every stay, the local people provided us with places to sleep, eat, and relax a bit. There are so many people to thank, that I fear if I start listing them, I will miss too many. We visited with pastors, parish nurses, DCE's, teachers, elders, deacons, many laypeople, and others for about a total of 23 events. Meekers put about 9000 miles on their car and we flew around California for a week. Thanks especially to Cliff & Lori Lewis (above) who helped us line up visits in Southern California. Lori is a great organizer and Cliff and I had a great time talking physics on occasion, chaos theory. He told me my silly round hat that I wore on our trip to dinner one night was a sample of chaos. Hmmmm... still tyring to figure that one out. Oh ya, cliff is a physicist.
Sorry I Couldn't Keep Up the Travel Diary on the Blog
Once we got moving on our trip, several things came up unexpectedly (IA in the US?). Pastors Meeker and Sell both had deaths in their families. The more we traveled the busier we got. We added several more speaking engagements to our itinerary and when we had a few hours of down time here and there, we "rested our eyes," as my father used to call it.