Summer Break - Taking Care of Business So the Work of Mercy in Kenya Will Continue
It takes a lot to keep Friends of Mercy going. This summer, I took a break from traveling, editing, writing and posting at my blog to get caught up on a great deal of infrastructure and simply to spend time with my family. Thanks for your patience and continued support.
Lutherans Are Making A Difference!
The work of Friends of Mercy is all about how our supporters show that Lutherans are Making a Difference. We are making a difference by bringing hope and mercy to the people who are suffering from the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the brunt of which is borne by AIDS widows and AIDS Orphans.
However, Friends of Mercy also needs your support to keep itself going. Thanks to volunteers, we are able to maintain records, send out thank you letters, and keep things going. We realize that at times we fall a bit behind, but, we thank you for your patience.
All of our work is connected to an Altar so that the gifts from your altar get to the altars of those in need in Kenya. (Even if it is a make-shift altar, left.) With the context of the gospel and God's presence in His word and the sacramental life, the people of Kenya are able to follow through with HIV testing, medicines, and helping others because of the forgiveness and mercy which they first enjoyed.
Keep Friends of Mercy in your prayers and as a recipient of your blessings are ways to support the work of the Meekers, Pastor Chuchu, the ELCK deaconesses, and so many people who need the basic staples of life that we expect to be available and His blessings.