Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Making a Difference in the Lives of AIDS Orphans and Young Girls

St. John (Rochester, MI) and Friends of Mercy plan on making a difference in the lives of young girls from the Massai tribe and AIDS Orphans in partnership with LCMS World Relief and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK).

These photos shows how Lutherans are making a difference. In the foreground (above) is the old orphanage in which 9 orphans lived. Some of these children only knew of this mud-dung hut as they lived there their entire lives. The buildings in the background are the similar to the new buildings that we will fund in other locations.

Below, you can see the contrast between the two facilities. When we fund an "orphanage" we provide a place to sleep, an all purpose building with a kitchen, and lavatory facilities. Furthermore, not only does the local church provide for the children living at the compound, but they also care for the many orphans from the village and surrounding area where single parents and family members care for orphans in their homes.

(left) Elizabeth Nelson (1st grade teacher) stands at the door of the old orphanage started by a Lutheran pastor. The mud-dung walls slowly deteriorate annually from rain. The home owner patches these homes every year.

(right) Elder, Kirk Radford, is taking pictures. The building on his immediate right is the sleeping quarters for the boys. The building in the background is the all purpose building with a kitchen. Between the buildings, the black object is the rain-catching system for water consumption.

(left) The interior of the old orphanage where 9 children lived. There are two very small rooms.

(above) This is the interior of the sleeping facility with mosquito nets.

(right) Pastor Karl Galik and 1st grade teacher Elizabeth inside the all purpose building where the children eat and participate in other programs.