Sunday, August 05, 2007

Why? Where is God (contiuned from Aug 1)

(8 Year old boy with Cancer... Continued)

I waited at the edges again, getting out of the way of the parental "emergency pain team." David's mom was devastated. As moms do so well, she pressed forward, trying to read the label, finally submitting to some help from a friend to figure out dosage. How long ago was the last dosage... the doctor said something about more frequently - but she couldn't remember, the crying on the monitor was deafening, even thought it wasn't loud by decibel count.

Finally, mom and Hockey-mom had the relief potion prepared. Dad came to the kitchen, retrieved the small water-bottle style container (like you would use at the ice rink) and hustled it back to David. David's dad stayed in the back room. I took the opportunity to help grandma and Hockey-mom understand how great the hospice team is at controlling pain, especially break-through pain (pain in between the long term medicine that "breaks through").

Mom was too angry and her emotions were emaciated, starved to the point where she throws a look of, "Don't even try to comfort me." I stood once again at the edges of the family discussions. I decided it was time to go back and talk to David, if possible, but more importantly, David's father. The Lord worked things out wonderfully. I hovered at the door way of the bedroom. David, as expected, was pale, very thin, and whimpering in pain, but not as badly as he was before. Thank God for His gifts of medicine. It is often at times like this when the question is posed,"Where is God?" "Why?"

David's father sat on the bed along side his son. He was trying to comfort David. The medicine was beginning to work. Relief was making its way through Davids cancer riddled body. His dad looked at me with a puzzled expression that was filled with hurt and hopelessness. His son was settling down already and finally stopped crying was falling asleep. Dad got up from the bed and came to the hallway and said, "I just don't understand."

He continued, "I was raised to believe that everything happens for a reason and I still do believe it. But I just can't understand why my son has to go through this."

(to be continued)

He comes to us through means, the gifts of creation through doctors, pharmacists, etc., to care for pain.