Friends of Mercy at LWML Convention in South Dakota
We had a great time in Sioux Falls, SD last week (June 20-24) with the ladies of LWML. During my years in pastoral ministry the ladies of LWML were always there to serve. They are servants of the Lord who tirelessly serve where ever the church needs them. The ladies do everything from organize and host funeral dinners to rummage sales for missions. They volunteer to visit, help with shut-ins, work with altar guilds, attend voters meetings, etc.
The work they get done for the Lord doesn't end at their local congregation. It continues in to the community, the district, the synod, and the world. In their 32nd biennial convention, the ladies committed themselves to raise a $1.7 million for mission work throughout the world. Here are a few of their projects,
- private portable medical clinics in Sudan, East Africa ($70,000)
- send a female human care missionary to Africa ($100,000)
- expand mission work in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, and Ethiopia ($104,500)
Keep the the ladies of LWML in your prayers and support them whenever possible. Click here for more news on the LWML Convention.
We'll see you next at the LCMS convention in Houston, TX. Look for our booth and stop in, say "Hi." and learn how you can AIDS Orphans and young girls fleeing FGM.